Monday, July 6, 2009

Independence Day 2009

After a morning of relaxing and getting to know Maya a little better we went to the home of our friends, Mark and Darla Teslow for a typical 4th of July barbeque. We spent the afternoon playing some volleyball, eating some great food, jumping on the trampoline and of course, playing in the pool. There were alot of kids there for Maya to get to know and they did their best to make her feel at home. We are so impressed with her ability to communicate and fit it. She had no fear and jumped right in quickly learning the game "Jump or Dive". As usual, Michelle took plenty of pictures to honor the event.

After the sun went down we all settled around the bonfire. Josh and Aaron set up all of the fireworks to put on a small show for all to enjoy. Maya got to taste her very first s'more. And our friend Doyle proceeded to make the most AMAZING mini doughnuts over the fire.

By the end of the night we were all exhausted and ready to for good night's sleep so we could be ready to spend the next evening at the Taste of Minnesota.

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